International High-level Conference on “Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution: A Dialogue between Dif

International High-level Conference on “Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution: A Dialogue between Dif
陕西 西安
10650views participants
Speakers and Topics
- Meg Kinnear(Secretary General of ICSID): Reform of the ICSID Rules
- Colin Brown (Deputy Head of Unit, Dispute Settlement/Legal Affairs, DG TRADE, European Commission; Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh):The case for a Multilateral Investment Court
- Corinne Montineri(the Secretary of the UNCITRAL Working Group III): UNCITRAL ISDS Reform
- Alejandro Carballo Leyda (Legal Counsel of Energy Charter Secretariat): Prevention and management of investment disputes
- Xiaoli Gao (Judge of the 4th Civil Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court):tbc
- Michael Hwang (Former Chief Justice of DIFC Court): tbc
- Nils Eliasson(Chairperson of the HKIAC Proceedings Committee) (tbc)
- James Bacchus(University of Central Florida) (tbc)
- Shotaro Hamamoto (Professor, Kyoto University):Consistency in International Investment Jurisprudence
- Rafael Leal-Arcas (Professor, Queen Mary University of London):The modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty: Approaches to environmental protection
- Marc Bungenberg (Professor,Saarland University):Key Ideas for a Future MIC - A European Perspective
- Li Yuwen (Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam):The 2018 Dutch Model BIT and its Relevance to the ISDS Reform
- Julien Chaisse(Professor, City University of Hong Kong): Third Party Funding in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Practice, Issues, and UNCITRAL WG III Discussion
- Jaemin Lee(Professor, Seoul National University): Settling Investment Disputes Through Mediation: Possibilities, Benefits and Limitations
- Mark Feldman(Professor, Peking University): Mega-Regional Investment Arbitration
- Walid Ben Hamida (Professor, University Paris-Saclay (Evry)): The Arab Approach to ISDS : The Original Arab Investment Court (tbc)
- Anatole Boute (Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong): ISDS in the energy and environmental sector
- Fernando Dias Simões(Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong):Legal Representation in Investment Disputesalong the Belt and Road
- Sergio Puig(Associate Professor, University of Arizona): USMCA and the US approach to ISDS
- Maciej Zenkiewicz (Research Professor, University of Externado): ISDS Reform under UNCITRAL: Global South State´s Fears and Chances
- Mohammad Hamdy(Visiting Assistant Professor,Tulane University): The Mainstream View in Investment Arbitration and the Institutional Reform Agenda: A Reappraisal(tbc)
- Geraldo Vidigal (Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam): tbc
- Achille NGWANZA (Membre de la Cour internationale d’arbitrage de la CCI, Et du MCCI Arbitration & Mediation Center): Uncertainties Of Investor-State Dispute Resolution Under Ohada Arbitration Reform (tbc)
- Inga Martinkute(PhD in Law,National University of Singapore): ISDS Reform: Substantive Aspects of Investment Protection and Comparative Property Law
- Jingzhao Fan (PhD Candidate, Lomonosov Moscow State University): Eurasian Economic Union Approach to ISDS Reform: The Eurasian Economic Union Court and the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Martin Andrew Jarrett(Lecturer, University of Mannheim): Shaping the Multilateral Investment Tribunal System into the Chinese Mould
- Vanina Sucharitkul(PhD Candidate, University Paris II; Senior Lecturer at L'Université Paris Descartes (Paris V)): The European Approach To ISDS Reform: The Multilateral Permanent Tribunal
- Jingdong Liu (Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): The Enforcement of International Investment Arbitration Awards in China
- Jingxia Shi (Professor, University of International Business and Economics): Third Party Funding in International Investment Dispute Resolution: Focusing on Disclosure Obligation
- Manjiao Chi (Professor, University of International Business and Economics): Arbitration Appeal as an ISDS Reform Option
- Qinglin Zhang (Professor, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics):On the Enhancing of State's Characteristics in the Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- Jun Zhao (Professor, Zhejiang University): Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Reform or Reconstruction
- Liying Zhang (Professor, China University of Political Science and Law) & Jingjing Li (Master Student, China University of Political Science and Law): The Latest Development and Problems of Third-Party Funding in Proposals for Amendment of the ICSID Rules 2019
- Shixi Huang (Professor, Shandong University): Sustainability in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- Tong Qi (Professor, Wuhan University): Could the Decision of China's National Security Review of Foreign Investment be Subject to Judicial Review
- Li Chen (Professor, Fudan University): Issues of Jurisdiction of China’s International Commercial Arbitration Institutions over International Investment Disputes
- Wei Shen (Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) & Rexiti Maimutiming (PhD Candidate, Shanghai Jiao Tong University): ADRs in Investor-State Disputes Involving Developing Host States: is “More” always “Better”?
- Danni Liang (Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University): ISDS Provisions under USMCA: A Path Backword or Forward?
- Sheng Zhang (Associate Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University): The Use of Mediation in International Investment Dispute Settlement
- Lu Wang (Lecturer, University of New South Wales): SOEs in investment arbitration and implications to ISDS reforms
- Luyao Che (Assistant Professor, China University of Political Science and Law): Reassessing the Rationale: On the Status of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in ISDS Reform
- Xuehua Wang (Partner, Beijing Huanzhong & Partners LLP): Are SOEs the Qualified Foreign Investors in International Investment Arbitration
- Huawei Sun (Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm): tbc
- Zhong Lin (Partner, Chen & Co. Law Firm): The Substantive and Procedural Implications of the PRC Foreign Investment Law on China-Related Investment Dispute Resolution
- Xin Zhang (Partner, Global Law Office): How Do Chinese Investors and Banks View Investment Treaties: Some Practical Perspectives
- Stephanie Forrest (Associate, Wilmer Hale LLP) & Elizabeth Whitsitt (Associate Professor, University of Calgary): Amendments to ICSID Arbitration Rules – The Expanded Provisions on Transparency
Poster Presentations
- Tingting Deng (Associate Professor, Central South University): Spotlight on the Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Survey of Emerging Trends and China’s Options
- Hongwu Yin (Associate Professor,Hunan Normal University): ICSID Tribunals’ Declination of Jurisdiction over Corruption-involved International Investment Arbitration Cases: A Specious Decision
- Xiuyan Fei (Lecturer, East China University of Political Science and Law): Calibrating the Position of ISDS in the Spectrum of International Dispute Settlement
- Yang Gao (PhD Candidate, Australian National University): The Complex Regime of Investor-State Arbitration
- MA Sai (PhD Candidate, Chinese University of Hong Kong): Foreign Investors’ Rights vis-a-vis Environmental Interests: Is It Time for an ISDS Carve-Out?
- Yuanyuan Zhang (PhD Candidate, Chinese University of Hong Kong): Tackling Energy Export Restrictions in the Modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty
- Aveek Chakravarty (PhD Candidate, University of Turin): From dispute settlement to dispute management: co-operation and capacity building mechanisms for effective foreign investment governance in Asia
- Chunlei Zhao (PhD Candidate, Maastricht University): The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System in a China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Setting a Sample of Integration
- Mark McLaughlin, (PhD Candidate, China University of Political Science and Law): USMCA and the Evolution of US Investment Policy: Is the Sun Setting on Investor-State Dispute Settlement?
- Jie Min (Master Student,Xi’an Jiaotong University): Investment Dispute Prevention and Resolution: What Lessons Could We Learn from Brazilian Model for the Multilateral Reform of Investment Arbitration?
- Mengxue Zuo (PhD Candidate, Xi’an Jiaotong University): Research on Modernization of Energy Charter Treaty
- Yu Lu (PhD Candidate, Xi’an Jiaotong University): Modernization of ICSID arbitration rules from the perspective of strategic competition
- Xi Wang (PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow): Problems and Reforms of Arbitrators’ Independence in ICSID
- Xiaoxia Lin (LLM, New York University & Xiamen University): Independent legal consultant Investor’s Legitimate Expectations in Recent Energy Arbitration Awards: Implication for the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty
- Olaoye Kehinde Folake (PhD Candidate, Chinese University of Hong Kong): Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Africa